If your hair is dry, lack lustre, brittle or has split ends a hot oil treatment works wonders.
The oils massage and moisturise your scalp to leaving it healthy, increases blood circulation and may help hair growth as well as strengthening and protects the hair. Hot oil treatment can help with dandruff or flaky scalp.
Oils for Hair
All the oils are plant based so are suitable for vegans and vegetarians to use. Choose oils that are suitable for your type of hair. If you have eczema or psoriasis please check with your doctor if the oils are suitable for you to use. All oils contain wonderful properties like vitamins and minerals, some are absorbed into the hair very, very quickly and some are absorbed at a slower rate. Read through a few and see which ones will be suitable for your hair or your hair problem.
Camelilia Seed Oil
Macadamia Oil
Argan Oil
Olive Oil
Avocado Oil
Castor Oil
Jojoba Oil
Watermelon Seed Oil
Brazil Nut Oil
Fractionated Coconut Oil (Liquid)
Tomato Seed Oil
Sunflower Oil
Coconut Oil (solid) can be used by placing a small amount into your hand until it melts before stroking over your hair and combing through. Coconut oil melts at a very low temperature so will easily melt in your warm hands.
Hot Oil Recipes
25ml Avocado Oil
21ml Camellia Seed Oil
19ml Argan Oil
15ml Olive Oil
13ml Fractionated Coconut Oil (liquid)
4ml Castor Oil
2ml Vit E
1ml Essential Oils of your choice
25ml Sunflower Oil
20ml Fractionated Coconut Oil (liquid)
19ml Olive Oil
10ml Argan Oil
10ml Tomato Seed Oil
5ml Castor Oil
2ml Vit E
1ml Essential Oils
To Use
Wash hair first as the oils work better on clean hair.
Combine all oils together in a jug, either warm in a microwave or in a saucepan.
Apply the warm oils to your hair, paying particular attention to the ends.
Massage oils well into your scalp.
Comb through your hair to make sure each hair is coated.
Apply a shower cap and then wrap tin foil round the cap to keep the oils warm.
Leave for at least 30mins - longer depending on your hair.
Wash hair again and apply your conditioner.
Pour surplus oils into a clean bottle.
Hot Oil treatment can be used every week until you are happy with the results and then perhaps once a month or as necessary.
Happy hair
x Diane